Looking for the best Lithium Battery for your needs and budget ?  Maybe this comparison can help!


 If you have a battery you would like on this list, or have any updated data, please feel free to contact us via the Contact page and we will fix the data asap!


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Spreadsheet Headings Information

Brand The actual brand of the battery, not the brand of the cells inside.
Capacity The capacity of the battery in Amp Hours (AH)
Cost The cost of the battery when entered into the sheet, this is not necessarily the best price.
Cost Per Cycle Per AH Dollars per Cycle per AH, Lower is better.
Weight Weight of the battery in Kg’s
Charge Amps This is the normal, recommended or long term charge current. Not the Max. More is better.
Discharge Amps Normal sustained discharge amps, not the 3 second max etc. More is better.
Cycles How many times the battery can be discharge @ the Depth of Discharge. More is better.
Dimensions Advertised Length, Width and Height of the battery in mm.
Warranty Warranty, even pro rata warranty counted, always check the fine print!
Charge Temp Min The minimum temperature the battery will accept charge.
Charge Temp Max The maximum voltage the battery will accept charge.
Parallel Can the battery be connected in parallel ? Not all batteries can do this.
Notes Anything found that doesn’t fit in the other categories.
URL The URL where I found the price, information is gathered from multiple sources.